Richard Nuccitelli REALTOR®
- Adrianas Team
- Sales Executive
- Bethel Office
Richard Nuccitelli is a REALTOR serving the greater Danbury area for the past 15 years. He occupies the Higgins Group Real Estate office in beautiful downtown Bethel.
Richard has been self-employed for his entire career with a passion for servicing his clients. Real Estate gives him a great opportunity to do this where he is fulfilled by helping Buyer’s and Seller’s navigate through one of the largest transactions of their lives.
He is uniquely qualified by his life’s experience capped by his years in the industry. He is particularly proud of constantly being told how his clients appreciate his calm demeanor in all situations, his obvious integrity and his dedication to bringing all transactions to positive conclusion.
He rewards himself by spending time with his wife, thirteen grandchildren (not at once), camping and fishing.

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