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Burcin Kaya

Burcin Kaya REALTOR®

Burcin Kaya REALTOR®

  • Higgins Group Private Brokerage
  • Sales Executive

Burcin Kaya started his career right after graduating from his MBA in Texas. With over 20 years of Client Management, Sales and Marketing experience, he has helped grow businesses with dedication and hard work. He is obsessed with customer service and his customer. Burcin always believes in full client satisfaction at all cost and dedicated his full energy to his clients happiness and satisfaction. 

He is an expert in marketing techniques and awarded sales person with management experience. He deeply understands the modern digital technologies, analysis within and implementation with over 15 years hands on experience and knowledge.

He has been enjoying Fairfield CT with his new bride and forever love Isil past several years. He loves exploring new spots in and out of town, taking short road trips or hiking ventures with his wife. He is passionate about cooking and food. He is an avid golfer and he is fully aware no single person can conquer this wonderful game - even the best of the best. Him and his wife both from the same hometown at overseas, grew up right by the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. Therefore they are both happy for being right by the ocean and the beach in Fairfield.

For him, most important values lies within friendships and family over anything, especially any commodity. Thus, the reason for his passion for serving his clients with honesty and full attention. Honesty is in his nature and patience is in his virtue, both under God’s control.

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