Higgins Group

Shopping for a home? 5 things not to say

Shopping for a home? 5 things not to sayIt’s easy to get carried away when you’re shopping for a home. But don’t forget that this is essentially a business transaction. When the goal is to work out a deal with someone, think like a negotiator – don’t show your hand too soon and don’t badmouth the other party.

When you’re looking at homes, keep your comments and opinions – good or bad – to yourself. While you should certainly be upfront with your Realtor, there are things that sellers or their agents should never hear, such as:

“I love this house!”
If you think you’ve found the perfect house, gushing about it to the seller and their agent is the absolute last thing you’ll want to do. Sure, you can comment positively, but be circumspect. Once the seller knows how much you want their house, they’ll be less open to negotiating a lower price and you may even end up paying more than what was originally advertised.

“I can’t wait to tear that down”
Thinking about renovating the house? Keep your plans to yourself. Don’t blurt out comments like “I can’t wait to tear down this kitchen” or “The bathroom tiles suck – can’t wait to replace them.” Many sellers have a lifetime of memories tied up in their home, so be sensitive. If you aren’t, it could cost you come negotiation time.

“What an ugly rug!”
Don’t bash the seller’s taste in furniture or décor. We all have different tastes and preferences. Even if something is truly hideous, resist the urge to comment about it. You don’t want your insults about the couch or carpets to be what the seller remembers when they’re weighing offers.

“The price is too high!”
Think a home is overpriced? Discuss it with your Realtor, not with the seller or their agent who might think that you’re either dissing the quality of the home or their property valuation skills.

“This is how much I can afford”
Your budget is your business. Don’t let on that you can pay full-price. Remember that your goal is to get the home for a fair price and when sellers know that you can afford their asking price they’ll be less inclined to lower it.

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