Higgins Group

Sellers guide: 5 questions to ask your potential home stager

Home Staging
Staging is one of the most important aspects of the home selling process. A successful staging job will help give your listing an edge over the competition. For this to happen, you’ll need to find the right professional stager to do the job.

Here are several key questions you should ask:

May I take a look at your portfolio?

This should be the very first thing you ask, as a stager’s portfolio will show you what they’re capable of doing. See if their samples are attractive and presented neatly. Their style should also match the home you want staged.

What is your background?

Find out whether the stager has received some form of training, and if they have certifications, find out what these mean. Know if they have background in real estate, and if they’re knowledgeable regarding current market conditions.

What do you specialize in?

Most stagers specialize in a specific property type such as condos, starter homes, or luxury homes for example. Make sure their specialty is compatible with the home you’re trying to sell.

How do you usually conduct the staging process?

Stagers should be able to communicate both professionally and compassionately with their clients. This is because they’re making changes to another person’s home – discussions can get pretty heated at times. Have a conversation regarding what he or she plans to do with your home, and emphasize any restrictions or limitations you may have, but do so in a way that you won’t interfere too much with their plans.

Do you have any other suggestions or ideas with marketing?

There are many stagers who excel not just in preparing a home for sale. Some of them may know of effective strategies that could increase the interest of potential buyers.

Want more home staging tips? Take a look at this page.

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