Higgins Group

How to settle into a new home seamlessly

Relocation in Fairfield CountyIt’s not exactly smooth sailing after you’ve closed the deal on a new home. Before you can completely settle in, you’ll have to go through yet another tedious part – the moving, unpacking, rearranging, and adjusting into an entirely new living space.

Here are a few tips which can help you feel right at home after a move:

Prepare early

A smooth transition into a new home starts in your old one. What are some of the things that make life easier for you in your current home? Take note of all of these and apply them once you’ve transferred.

Before moving, don’t forget to schedule disconnect/reconnect dates for your utilities, change your address on your credit card and other accounts, head to the post office to set up a mail forward, and so on.

Plan your moving day accordingly

To avoid scrambling, it’s a great idea to make an hour-by-hour breakdown of your moving day schedule. Assign tasks to your family members, so everyone has something they have to take care of. Keep in mind that you can’t expect everything to go according to plan, but at least you’ll have a solid road map to rely on during the big day.

Label all of your boxes

Here’s a neat trick you can do: label your boxes according to which rooms the items inside belong to (e.g. kitchen, living room, garage, etc.). This way, you’ll know exactly where to bring the boxes without opening them up. It’ll make unpacking faster and easier as well.

Pack bags with all the essentials for each family member

When you’re on the move, it’s hard to keep track of where specific items are, since all of them will be in boxes. Be sure to set aside essential items like toiletries, your kids’ favorite toys, snacks, medications, and other things, so they’re right there with each family member during the move.

For more relocation tips, please visit: https://www.higginsgroup.com/category/blog/relocation.



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