Higgins Group

Cleaning Tips for Home Sellers

House Cleaning Tips for SellersIt goes without saying that for your home to attract the most potential buyers, it has to be absolutely spotless. The best part about cleaning your home is not only will it make it more attractive, but it’s also the most cost-efficient way to make a house buyer-ready.

Here are a few helpful ways to make your home spic-and-span:

Clutter has to go

Home buyers do not usually see beyond clutter. Leaving all of your possessions lying around may make your home appear smaller, giving buyers the impression that it may not accommodate their own belongings.

Start by collecting all of the unnecessary items you have. Items in good condition can either be sold or donated. The rest will need to be disposed of. Getting rid of clutter will clear up storage space, and will make your home appear more spacious.

Clean it up

When it comes to cleaning, it’s a good idea to focus on the most prominent areas such as the kitchen, living room, and bathroom. Imagine yourself as a potential buyer to be able to see which areas need the most attention. Deal with these first and move on to the remaining areas so everything is covered.

Wash, vacuum, and dust

Don’t forget to wash all the windows and vacuum all drapes and carpets. Look for dusting products that remove dust by trapping it, so particles will not be dispersed into the air.

Repaint, or clean surfaces thoroughly

If you are unable to repaint due to budget concerns, be sure to clean surfaces thoroughly, so they’ll be free of dirt, stains, and dust. Make sure to use a non-abrasive cleaner to avoid damaging your walls. Avoid creating unsightly streak markets by working your way from the bottom of surfaces upwards, making sure to overlap sections and using circular motions.

If you’d like more cleaning tips, take a look at our previous article about cleaning the dirtiest areas in your home.

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